Madhura Phadtare

Madhura is editor at Regtechtimes and is an expert in regulatory developments in the international scenario.

Correspondent Banking Money Laundering Risks

Correspondent Banking refers to the bank that is providing services to the bank of one country from another to provide the financial resources. This...

6 Unconventional Techniques of Laundering Successfully Used in India

Efforts are made by governments, regulators, and financial institutions to automate and combat the methods of money laundering. However, launderers continue to devise new...

How is Hawala Technique of Money Laundering used ?

Hawala is an informal method of transferring money without any physical money moving. The hawala system (also called Hundi or Underground banking). It is...

Bitcoin:How to use bitcoin mining to launder cryptocurrency

Bitcoin mining is an energy-intensive process with customized mining systems. Mining is completed with the aid of mathematical puzzles. It is a technical process,...

FCPA: Understanding The Fundamentals of FCPA

FCPA  regarded as one of the legal regulation in the modern corporate law. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was incorporated to prohibit the bribes...


Turkish Broker Torlak Arrested for Conspiring to Evade Venezuelan Oil Sanctions

The recent arrest of a prominent Turkish businessman in...

Palau Resiliently Defies China, Protects National Sovereignty

Palau, a small island nation located in the Pacific...

India’s Timber Boom: A Breakthrough Amid Ukraine Sanctions

  India has recently become an important new destination for...

Daren Li Pleads Guilty to Laundering Millions from Cryptocurrency Scams

A man named Daren Li, 41, who holds dual...
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