Madhura Phadtare

Madhura is editor at Regtechtimes and is an expert in regulatory developments in the international scenario.

Money Laundering challenges in Hongkong

Hongkong has developed anti-money laundering measures. Hongkong is regarded as an international and financial center. It is a free market economy. Hongkong faces a...

Money Laundering Challenges in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian AML regime started in 2003 when the Saudi Government passed an Anti-Money Laundering Statute 2003 and its Implementing Regulations in 2005. Saudi...

Deciphering the Cryptocurrency Tax Conundrum in the Philippines

Cryptocurrency taxation has been a topic of interest globally, with many countries formulating specific tax laws to regulate this emerging asset class. In the...

Money Laundering Challenges in Ireland

Money Laundering in Ireland is a great challenge. Ireland has the understanding to combat money laundering and the risk associated with terrorist financing. AML...


Ukraine Citizen Yaroslav Vasinskyi Jailed for $700 Million Ransomware Scam

With Yaroslav Vasinskyi, a Ukrainian native also known as...

US DOJ Targets $1.55M Aircraft Landing Gear in Forfeiture Battle

The U.S. Justice Department has taken a significant step...

COVID-19 Contact Tracing : Accurate Insights into Cybersecurity Failures

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments worldwide...

2 Indian Spies Expelled from Australia for Trying to ‘Steal Secrets’

In the labyrinthine world of international relations, espionage remains...
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