Ryan Richmond: Bloomfield Hills Businessman Sentenced for Tax Evasion Linked to Marijuana Dispensary

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Ruta Kulkarni
Ruta Kulkarni
Ruta Kulkarni is the senior journalist at Regtechtimes and covers the global desk. She specialise in the Department of Justice, SEC and EU Actions.

In a recent legal development, Ryan Richmond, a Bloomfield Hills businessman, faced the stark consequences of financial misconduct, receiving a 24-month prison sentence for tax evasion, failure to file tax returns, and obstruction of an IRS audit. At the heart of the case lies Relief Choices LLC, a marijuana dispensary in Warren, Michigan, owned and operated by Ryan Richmond. Evidence presented during the trial revealed a web of deception, with Richmond allegedly orchestrating cash transactions and funneling credit card payments through third-party accounts to conceal the true extent of Relief Choices’ income.

Despite Ryan Richmond’s attempts to evade scrutiny, justice prevailed as U.S. District Judge Linda V. Parker for the Eastern District of Michigan imposed a significant prison term and restitution order. Ryan Richmond’s sentencing serves as a cautionary tale, underscoring the serious repercussions faced by individuals engaged in financial malfeasance and highlighting the importance of transparency and compliance with tax laws in upholding the integrity of the financial system.

Operating a Marijuana Dispensary: A Cloak-and-Dagger Affair

Richmond’s involvement in the marijuana industry through Relief Choices LLC took a dark turn as evidence emerged during trial proceedings. While ostensibly running a legitimate business, Richmond allegedly directed Relief Choices to conduct a significant portion of its financial transactions in cash. Moreover, customer credit card payments were purportedly routed through an unrelated third-party bank account, a tactic seemingly aimed at masking the true extent of the business’s gross receipts from regulatory scrutiny.

Ryan Richmond’s Financial Deception

The crux of Ryan Richmond’s legal troubles stemmed from his failure to accurately report Relief Choices’ income on his personal tax returns. Despite the business raking in substantial earnings, Richmond omitted any mention of Relief Choices from his tax filings for the years spanning 2012 through 2014. This deliberate evasion deprived the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of significant tax revenue, exacerbating the gravity of Richmond’s offenses.

Obstruction of Justice: A Desperate Bid to Conceal the Truth

Ryan Richmond’s predicament worsened when he allegedly obstructed an IRS audit in 2015 and 2016. Court records suggest that Richmond misled auditors by downplaying his involvement in Relief Choices and misrepresenting the profits derived from the business. This calculated subversion of the audit process not only impeded the IRS’s efforts to uncover the truth but also compounded Richmond’s legal woes.

Consequences and Restitution: Paying the Price for Financial Misdeeds

The sentencing handed down by U.S. District Judge Linda V. Parker for the Eastern District of Michigan reflects the severity of Richmond’s offenses. In addition to the 24-month prison term, Richmond has been ordered to serve one year of supervised release following his incarceration. Furthermore, he faces a daunting restitution order, with the court mandating payment of $2,777,684 to the IRS. This substantial sum seeks to offset the financial losses incurred by the government due to Richmond’s actions.

Department of Justice Stance: Upholding Integrity and Accountability

Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M. Goldberg of the Justice Department’s Tax Division underscored the significance of the case, emphasizing the government’s unwavering commitment to prosecuting individuals engaged in tax evasion schemes. The announcement serves as a stark reminder that financial misconduct will not be tolerated, and perpetrators will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

Collaborative Efforts: Investigating and Prosecuting Financial Crimes

The investigation into Ryan Richmond’s activities was spearheaded by IRS Criminal Investigation, a testament to the agency’s dedication to combating financial fraud. Trial Attorneys Mark McDonald and Christopher P. O’Donnell from the Justice Department’s Tax Division diligently prosecuted the case, highlighting the collaborative effort aimed at ensuring justice is served.


The sentencing of Ryan Richmond serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating the dire consequences of engaging in financial deceit and tax evasion. As regulatory agencies intensify their crackdown on financial crimes, individuals tempted by illicit schemes must reckon with the potential ramifications. Transparency and compliance with tax laws are not mere suggestions but imperatives for upholding the integrity of the financial system and safeguarding against the erosion of trust.

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