Defendant Zelene Charles Pleads Guilty to Multi-Million Dollar Fraud Scheme

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Ruta Kulkarni
Ruta Kulkarni
Ruta Kulkarni is the senior journalist at Regtechtimes and covers the global desk. She specialise in the Department of Justice, SEC and EU Actions.

In a shocking revelation, Zelene Charles, 42, of Monterey, California, admitted today to orchestrating a sophisticated, multi-year scheme to defraud the U.S. government. Charles, a former civilian employee at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, fabricated invoices for supplies that were never purchased, converting the stolen funds for her personal use.

Zelene Charles’s Scheme Unveiled

Court documents have exposed the elaborate nature of Charles’ deception. From December 2016 to April 2020, she meticulously generated fake purchase requests and invoices for government acquisitions, involving both fictitious and legitimate business entities. Despite the appearance of legitimate transactions, the items listed in these invoices were never procured or received by the government. Over this period, Charles executed approximately 185 fraudulent charges, resulting in a staggering loss of $624,250 to the U.S. government.

Method of Deception

Charles’ scheme was not only extensive but also intricately planned. To conceal her identity as the beneficiary of the stolen funds, she frequently renamed the business names associated with intermediary accounts. This tactic involved using at least 78 different account names, making it exceedingly difficult for authorities to trace the stolen money back to her. The complexity and scale of this scheme underscore the significant effort Charles invested in her fraudulent activities.

Legal Repercussions

The legal consequences for Charles are severe. She entered a guilty plea to the accusations of wire fraud and stealing assets and cash from the government. Wire fraud alone carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, while theft of government property can result in up to 10 years in prison. The exact sentence will be determined by a federal district court judge, who will consider the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors before making a final decision.

Financial Restitution and Forfeiture

Charles has committed to pay $624,500 in restitution, which covers the whole amount of the cash that were fraudulently obtained, as part of her plea deal.  This restitution is intended to compensate the government for the financial losses incurred due to her fraudulent actions. Additionally, Charles will forfeit numerous stolen government computers and tablets, which she had acquired during the course of her scheme. This forfeiture serves as a further measure to ensure that the government recovers some of the assets lost to Charles’ criminal activities.

Investigative and Prosecution Efforts

The announcement of Charles’ guilty plea was made by several high-ranking officials, including Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Ismail J. Ramsey for the Northern District of California; Special Agent in Charge Bryan Denny of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) Western Field Office; Special Agent in Charge Keith K. Kelly of the Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division’s (Army-CID) Fraud Field Office; Special Agent in Charge Shawn Dionida of the Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General (USDA-OIG) Western Region; and Special Agent in Charge Terry Pfeifer of the General Services Administration Office of Inspector General (GSA-OIG) Western Division.

Collaborative Investigation

The investigation into Charles’ activities was a complex and collaborative effort. The DCIS Western Field Office, Army-CID Fraud Field Office, USDA-OIG Western Region, and GSA-OIG Western Division all played critical roles in uncovering the depth and breadth of her fraudulent activities. Their joint efforts were essential in piecing together the intricate web of deceit that Charles had woven. The case highlights the importance of inter-agency cooperation in tackling sophisticated financial crimes.

Impact on the Community

The case of Zelene Charles has sent shockwaves through the Monterey community and beyond. As a former employee of the Defense Language Institute, her actions have not only resulted in significant financial losses but have also undermined trust in government institutions. The revelation of her fraudulent activities serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and accountability in government operations. It also highlights the importance of robust internal controls and oversight mechanisms to prevent similar schemes in the future.

Moving Forward

As Charles awaits sentencing, the focus now shifts to ensuring that such fraudulent activities are not repeated. The investigation and prosecution of this case have underscored the critical role of inter-agency cooperation and the need for stringent oversight in government procurement processes. By learning from this case, government agencies can strengthen their defenses against fraud and protect taxpayer money from future schemes.

The guilty plea of Zelene Charles underscores the serious repercussions of defrauding the U.S. government. It serves as a stark reminder that fraudulent activities, especially those involving government funds, are thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. As Charles awaits her sentencing, the case highlights the importance of vigilance and integrity in government operations.

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