On April 9, 2024, the Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Chennai Zonal Office, began a series of search operations as a decisive action against organized crime. These searches, which were conducted in accordance with the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002, focused on a number of locations in Chennai, Madurai, and Tiruchirappalli. This operation was primarily focused on taking down an intricate web of illegal financial activity that was orchestrated by AR Jaffer Sadiq and his associates.
Especially when it comes to international drug trafficking, Jaffer Sadiq’s name has always been associated with criminal activities. The Customs Department and the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), Delhi, have been looking into the allegations that have been developing against him and his associates for some time. The central focus of these investigations was the covert cross-border trafficking of drugs, with Sadiq purportedly leading this illicit organization.
Based on information gathered by the ED, Sadiq’s strategy consisted of importing pseudoephedrine into places as far-flung as Australia and New Zealand under the guise of health-mix powder and desiccated coconut. The money obtained from these illegal dealings was subsequently invested in a variety of different businesses, including real estate, production of films, and logistics. With the use of these ostensibly respectable front companies, Sadiq was able to launder money obtained from the sale of drugs and continue his illegal activities in the name of legitimate commercial ventures.
In addition to focusing on the residences, the ED’s search operations also targeted companies connected to organizations that helped launder Sadiq’s illegal profits. Evidence uncovered during these raids revealed a staggering sum of money involved in the illicit financial activities.In addition to an extra Rs. 12 crore channeled and stacked for movie development, over Rs. 6 crore in direct cash payments were confiscated. Moreover, financial deposits totaling more than Rs. 21 Crore were linked to bank accounts managed by organizations connected to Jaffer Sadiq. A significant inflow of funds was also noted in the purchase of real estate, with over Rs. 40 Crore being used for this purpose.
The search operations not only unearthed a trove of incriminating documents but also shed light on the extent of Sadiq’s ill-gotten wealth. Properties, both movable and immovable, purchased with funds sourced from drug trafficking, were brought to the fore, leading to the confiscation of substantial evidence.
As the investigation progresses, the ED remains steadfast in its pursuit of justice. With further analysis underway, authorities aim to unravel the intricate web of illicit financial activities orchestrated by Jaffer Sadiq and his cohorts. The recent crackdown serves as a stark reminder of the ED’s unwavering commitment to combating organized crime and upholding the rule of law.