China’s Controversial Sanctions on Canadian Organisations: A Growing Tension

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Ruta Deshpande
Ruta Deshpande
Ruta Deshpande is the Co-founder of Regtechtimes and covers the global desk. She specialise in the Department of Justice, SEC and EU Actions.

Sanctions Targeting Canadian Advocacy Groups

China has imposed new sanctions on two Canadian organisations and 20 individuals who have been active in advocating for the rights of Tibetans and Uyghurs. The Chinese government’s foreign ministry made this announcement on Sunday, saying the sanctions were effective as of the day before. This move has attracted attention as it is seen as part of ongoing tensions between China and Canada, especially regarding human rights concerns in regions like Tibet and East Turkestan (also known as Xinjiang).

The two main targets of these sanctions are the Canadian Canada Tibet Committee (CTC) and the Canadian Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project (URAP). Both Canadian organisations have been involved in raising awareness and promoting the rights of people in Tibet and East Turkestan, areas where many believe there are serious human rights violations. The sanctions involve freezing assets such as property and other holdings within China, preventing the Canadian individuals from entering the country, including Hong Kong and Macao.

Specifics of the Sanctions and Their Impact

The primary targets of these sanctions are the Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project (URAP) and the China Tibet Committee (CTC).  According to the Chinese government, the sanctions will affect various assets, including movable and immovable properties. These measures are designed to punish the organisations and individuals connected to advocacy efforts that challenge China’s policies in Tibet and East Turkestan. These two regions have long been the subject of international attention, particularly for allegations of human rights abuses, such as restrictions on freedom of speech and religion.

Some of the individuals named in the sanctions include leaders of the Canada Tibet Committee and the Uyghur Rights Advocacy Project. These individuals, as well as the organisations they represent, are now banned from entering China, Hong Kong, and Macao. The move follows a series of actions by China to limit the influence of foreign groups and individuals who speak out against the country’s policies, particularly those that affect ethnic and religious minorities.

The CTC has responded to the sanctions, stating that they have been advocating for Tibet in a peaceful and democratic way for over 30 years. They underlined that these sanctions codify the long-standing policy of the Chinese government to deny diasporic Tibetans access to their motherland. The CTC also stated that public participation in Canada’s democratic system should not be considered a crime. Despite the sanctions, the organisation remains committed to its mission of promoting human rights in Tibet.

The Growing Strain in Canada-China Relations

The relationship between Canada and China has been growing increasingly strained over the years, with the sanctions marking just the latest chapter in this ongoing diplomatic struggle. Earlier this month, Canada imposed its own set of sanctions on Chinese officials, targeting individuals accused of human rights violations in regions like Xinjiang and Tibet. This was seen as a response to the ongoing concerns raised by the international community regarding China’s treatment of ethnic minorities in these areas.

In addition to the tensions surrounding human rights issues, the two countries have been at odds since 2018, when Canada arrested Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou at the request of the United States. In retaliation, China detained two Canadians on suspicion of espionage. While all three individuals were eventually released, the incident caused lasting diplomatic damage. Since then, relations between Canada and China have remained tense, and these recent sanctions reflect that ongoing discord.

China has consistently denied allegations of human rights abuses in Tibet and Xinjiang. The Chinese government argues that its policies are designed to maintain stability in these regions and promote economic development. In response to international criticism, China has also called on Western countries to stop interfering in its internal affairs. This has led to a tense standoff between China and several Western countries, including Canada.

The latest sanctions reflect China’s broader strategy to prevent foreign influence in matters related to Tibet and Xinjiang. Critics argue that these measures are part of a larger campaign to silence those who speak out about human rights violations in these regions. By targeting individuals and organisations that advocate for the rights of Tibetans and Uyghurs, China hopes to intimidate others from joining these efforts.

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