Onkar Bhanarkar

Onkar is a Masters in Cyber Security, Ireland. He is a cybersecurity professional with extensive knowledge in Digital forensic investigations and Risk assessment. Onkar Bhanarkar is the Specialist Regtech analyst who contributes articles on money laundering enforcement actions in India, GDPR, Risk assessment, and Cyber Attacks.

SEBI Regulations relaxed for Wipro

Markets regulator Securities Exchange Board of India, exempted Wipro from complying with regulations with regard to its proposed buyback of Shares. What does Regulation Say ? Rregulation 24 (ii) of...

Regulation overhaul may be triggered for loan against shares

There have been multiple instances of rigging of the stock market prices by the promoters of the listed companies. Though, globally there are strict...

SEBI Slaps Nissan Copper in GDR Subscription scam

Securities Exchange Board of India banned the Nissan Coppers Limited and its promoters Ratanlal Mardia, Atul MArdia and Praveen Shah from raising money from...

More than 60000 Data breaches reported but less than 100 penalized

Though there have been more than 59000 instances of data breaches reported only 100 have resulted in imposing the fines according to latest research...

Danske bank to spend $307 million on Anti Money Laundering efforts

The bank is being investigated in Denmark, Estonia, Britain, and the United States for over 200 billion euros ($229 billion) of suspicious payments through...


Sanders Fights to Block US Arms Sales to Israel Amid Gaza Crisis

A major debate is brewing in the US Senate...

Reddit Blocks X Links, Elon Musk’s Outrage Triggers Unprecedented Fallout

For the past two months, a battle has been...

Trump’s Tariff War Stalls Chinese Investment in Mexico

A major Chinese automaker, BYD, was all set to...

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Faces Seven-Year Prison Demand in Libya Corruption Case

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy is facing serious legal...
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