Madhura Phadtare

Madhura is editor at Regtechtimes and is an expert in regulatory developments in the international scenario.

Bitcoin- exploring why it is a commodity and not a true currency

Is Bitcoin a currency or a commodity? Bitcoin is hailed as a revolutionary virtual currency. Like any other money, we can use it to...

DeFi, NFTs and DApps- Exploring Blockchains and the new terns that have cropped up with it

The world of Cryptocurrency and blockchains can be daunting for beginners. Bitcoin, NFT, DeFi- there are so many new concepts to learn and understand!...

Flash Loan Attack- how are hackers abusing this profit-earning strategy?

What is arbitrage? To understand the concept of flash loans and the Flash Loan Attack, first, we must understand what arbitrage is. Arbitrage refers to...

How Smart Contracts work in Crypto Trading

What are smart contracts? Smart Contracts are the program regarded as a program that is stored on a blockchain. A Smart contracts is a type...

Crypto Jacking Why A new type of cybercrime in town

Crypto Jacking defined as combination of words of crypto and jacking. With the dawn of the cryptocurrency era, many people are looking to profit...


Israel’s Ruthless Hunt in Syria: Disrupting Hezbollah and Iranian Forces Syria, a war-torn country that has been embroiled in...

Venezuelan George Semerene Sentenced for Illegally Shipping Aircraft Parts

A Venezuelan man, George Semerene Quintero, has been sentenced...

Congress Urges Biden to Act Against Israeli Violence in the West Bank

Nearly 90 Democratic lawmakers are urging U.S. President Joe...

Ilya Lichtenstein Gets 5-Year Sentence for 2016 Bitfinex Bitcoin Hack and Laundering

Ilya Lichtenstein was sentenced to five years in prison...
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