Global Shipping Powers Unite to Address Troubling Sanctioned Vessels

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Mayur Joshi
Mayur Joshi
Mayur Joshi is a contributing editor to Regtechtimes, he is recognized for his insightful reporting and analysis on financial crimes, particularly in the realms of espionage and sanctions. Mayur's expertise extends globally, with a notable focus on the sanctions imposed by OFAC, as well as those from the US, UK, and Australia. He is also regular contributor on Geopolitical subjects and have been writing about China. He has authored seven books on financial crimes and compliance, solidifying his reputation as a thought leader in the industry. One of his significant contributions is designing India's first certification program in Anti-Money Laundering, highlighting his commitment to enhancing AML practices. His book on global sanctions further underscores his deep knowledge and influence in the field of regtech.

In a landmark move for global maritime security, the world’s largest shipping powers—Panama, the Marshall Islands, and Liberia—have come together to establish a powerful new tool aimed at curbing the widespread practice of flag-hopping by vessels attempting to evade international sanctions.

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This initiative, known as the Registry Information Sharing Compact (RISC), represents a collaborative effort to maintain the integrity of global shipping by ensuring that vessels cannot easily escape scrutiny by switching registries.

The creation of the RISC database has been met with widespread support from the international community, particularly from the United States Department of State, which has been a key backer of the initiative. The database, accessible online at no cost, allows participating flag registries to share and access comprehensive information on the backgrounds of vessels under their purview. This exchange of information is critical for identifying ships that may be engaging in illegal or suspicious activities, and for preventing them from avoiding detection by simply changing their flags.

A Unified Front Against Sanctions Evasion

The problem of flag-hopping has long been a thorn in the side of global shipping powers. Vessels involved in illicit activities, such as smuggling, illegal fishing, or violating sanctions, often attempt to evade detection by changing their registration from one country to another. This practice not only undermines the effectiveness of international regulations but also poses significant risks to global security and environmental protection.

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Recognizing the need for a more coordinated approach, the leading shipping powers maintaining the registries decided to join forces. By pooling their resources and data, these registries are now better equipped to track the movements and activities of vessels that may be attempting to evade scrutiny. The RISC database serves as a central hub for this information, enabling registries to stay informed about the history and activities of vessels in real time.

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Alfonso Castillero, CEO of the Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry, emphasized the importance of this collaboration in a statement: “The Registry Information Sharing Compact database marks a significant advancement in our collective efforts to maintain the integrity and security of global shipping. With this platform, we are strengthening our defenses and working together to uphold the highest standards of compliance and safety.”

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Global Shipping Powers Unite

The launch of the RISC database is seen as a major step forward in the fight against illegal activities in the maritime industry. By making it more difficult for vessels to switch flags without scrutiny, the initiative aims to close a key loophole that has been exploited by those seeking to evade international regulations.

The database is designed to be user-friendly, allowing registries to quickly and easily access detailed information on vessels’ histories, including any sanctions-related concerns. This information is crucial for registries to make informed decisions about whether to accept or reject a vessel’s application for registration. In addition, the RISC database contributed by the shipping powers enables registries to collaborate more effectively with one another, sharing insights and data that can help identify and track problematic vessels.

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The involvement of the U.S. Department of State in supporting the initiative of these Global shipping powers underscores the importance of this effort in the broader context of international security. The U.S. government has long been a vocal advocate for stronger measures to combat sanctions evasion and other illegal activities in the maritime sector. By backing the RISC database, the U.S. is signaling its commitment to working with international partners to ensure that the global shipping industry remains safe, secure, and compliant with international law.

Model for Future Collaboration

The establishment of the RISC database is being hailed as a model for future collaboration among international shipping powers. As global shipping continues to grow in complexity and scale, the need for coordinated efforts to address emerging challenges has never been greater. The RISC initiative represents a significant step in this direction, providing a blueprint for how countries and organizations can work together to tackle shared challenges.

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For the participating global shipping powers, the benefits of the RISC database are clear. By enhancing their ability to track and monitor vessels, they are better positioned to protect their reputations and ensure that their registries are not used to facilitate illegal activities. This, in turn, helps to bolster the integrity of the global shipping industry as a whole.

Looking ahead, there is hope that the global shipping powers will inspire similar initiatives in other sectors of the maritime industry. As the challenges facing global shipping continue to evolve, the need for innovative and collaborative solutions will only become more pressing. The RISC initiative provides a powerful example of how the international community can come together to address these challenges head-on.

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In conclusion, the launch of the RISC database by these global shipping powers marks a significant milestone in the ongoing effort to combat flag-hopping and other forms of sanctions evasion in the maritime industry. By joining forces, the world’s largest shipping registries have taken a bold step towards ensuring the integrity and security of global shipping. The success of this initiative will depend on the continued commitment of all involved, but the potential benefits for global maritime security are immense.

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