New York Based Banker Rashawn Russell Sentenced for $1.5 Million Cryptocurrency Fraud

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Tejaswini Deshmukh
Tejaswini Deshmukh
Intrigued by the intersection of finance and technology, I delve into the latest RegTech advancements. With a keen eye for unraveling the complexities of compliance, I dissect current financial news and frauds.

Rashawn Russell, a former investment banker and registered broker, was recently sentenced to three years and five months in prison in a case that highlighted the risks of unregulated cryptocurrency trades. Rashawn Russell, 28, of Brooklyn, New York, was convicted of directing a fraudulent cryptocurrency investment scheme that resulted in about $1.5 million in investor losses.  He also faced charges for a separate access device fraud scheme.

Rashawn Russell’s Fraudulent Scheme

According to court documents, Rashawn Russell’s fraudulent activities occurred from November 2020 to August 2022. During this period, he deceived multiple investors by promising substantial returns on their cryptocurrency investments. He assured these investors that their funds would be used for legitimate cryptocurrency trading and often guaranteed high returns.

However, instead of investing the money as promised, Rashawn Russell misappropriated the funds for personal expenses, including gambling, and to repay other investors in a Ponzi-like scheme. When investors requested the return of their principal investments, Russell provided false assurances and misled them into believing that he had wired the repayments. These deceptive tactics allowed him to extend the fraud and attract additional victims, furthering the financial damage.

The Access Device Fraud

In addition to his cryptocurrency fraud, Rashawn Russell was implicated in an access device fraud scheme from September 2021 to June 2023. During this time, he illegally got at least 97 credit and debit cards, as well as 43 identification cards. Russell often stole these cards from gym lockers in New York and New Jersey. He used the stolen card information to complete unlawful operations, such as opening online gambling accounts and making fraudulent purchases. These operations demonstrate his pattern of illegal behaviour, as he exploits stolen financial data for personal gain while also contributing to his total fraudulent activities.

Legal Proceedings and Sentencing

In September 2023, Rashawn Russell pleaded guilty to wire fraud and access device fraud. Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, who heads the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, announced his sentencing, along with U.S. Attorney Breon Peace, representing the Eastern District of New York, and Inspector in Charge Eric Shen of the Criminal Investigations Group at the US Postal Inspection Service (USPIS). These officials emphasized the gravity of Russell’s crimes and the collaborative efforts of law enforcement to bring him to justice. Their statements highlighted the government’s determination to combat financial fraud and protect investors.

Restitution and Penalties

Along with his prison sentence, Russell was ordered to pay over $1.5 million in restitution to the victims of his cryptocurrency fraud scheme. This restitution is meant to pay the victims for the significant financial losses they suffered as a result of Russell’s fraudulent practices, while also offering some financial respite and justice to those harmed by his crimes.

Investigation and Prosecution

The case was meticulously investigated by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), ensuring a comprehensive examination of Rashawn Russell’s fraudulent activities. The prosecution team included Trial Attorney Kyle Crawford and Assistant Chief Scott Armstrong from the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section, who brought their expertise to the case. They were joined by Assistant U.S. Attorney Drew Rolle of the Eastern District of New York. Together, this team worked diligently to present a compelling case against Russell, highlighting the seriousness of his crimes and securing his conviction.


The sentencing of Rashawn Russell emphasizes the critical need for vigilance and thorough due diligence in investment opportunities, particularly within the volatile cryptocurrency market. This case serves as a reminder of the potential for fraud and the devastating impact it can have on investors. As regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies continue their efforts to safeguard financial markets, it is essential for investors to remain informed and cautious. The severe penalties imposed on Russell highlight the legal system’s commitment to addressing financial fraud and protecting the interests of the investing public.

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