ED attached assets of Rs 3 Crore of C. G. Gowramma. Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has provisionally attached immovable assets to the tune of Rs. 3.35 Crore in the case of C. G. Gowramma, Ex- Corporator (Azad Nagar), Bangalore in Disproportionate Asset case.
ED initiated money laundering investigation on the basis of the chargesheet filed by Karnataka Lokayukta Police, Bengaluru against C.G. Gowramma, the then Corporator of Ward No. 141, Azad Nagar, BBMP, Bangalore and her husband C. Govindraju for the offence committed under Section 13(1)(e) read with 13(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and Section 120(B) of Indian Penal Code in FIR registered by Karnataka Lokayukta Police, Bengaluru.
The investigation by ED revealed that C.G. Gowramma during this period as a Corporator misused her official position and generated Proceeds of Crime in collusion with her husband C. Govindaraju and laundered the generated proceeds of crime by crediting the same to their bank accounts in cash as well as by acquiring various immovable properties in cash. C. G. Gowramma and her husband C. Govindaraju were alleged to have acquired disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs. 3.46 Crore during the check period from FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13. The immovable properties, thus identified include agricultural land, residential plots as well as commercial sites.