Canada Imposes Sanctions on 7 Israeli Settlers Over West Bank Violence

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Mayur Joshi
Mayur Joshi
Mayur Joshi is a prominent forensic accounting evangelist based in Pune, India. As a contributing editor to Regtechtimes, he is recognized for his insightful reporting and analysis on financial crimes, particularly in the realms of espionage and sanctions. Mayur's expertise extends globally, with a notable focus on the sanctions imposed by OFAC, as well as those from the US, UK, and Australia. He has authored seven books on financial crimes and compliance, solidifying his reputation as a thought leader in the industry. One of his significant contributions is designing India's first certification program in Anti-Money Laundering, highlighting his commitment to enhancing AML practices. His book on global sanctions further underscores his deep knowledge and influence in the field of regtech.

Canada took a significant step by imposing sanctions on seven Israeli settlers involved in extremist violence in the West Bank. This marks the second time in just over a month that Ottawa has taken such action, signalling a strong stance against the escalating violence in the region. The Canadian Foreign Ministry also imposed punitive measures on five entities, including prominent settler organizations.

“We remain deeply concerned by extremist settler violence in the West Bank and condemn such acts, not only for the significant impact they have on Palestinian lives but also for the corrosive impact they have on prospects for lasting peace,” said Foreign Minister Melanie Joly.

The Individuals and Entities Sanctioned

Israeli settlers refer to Israeli citizens who live in settlements established by Israel in territories occupied during the Six-Day War of 1967, specifically the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. These settlements are considered illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this. The term “settlers” typically applies to those residing in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where the majority of these communities are located.

The individuals targeted by Canada’s sanctions include:

  • Ben-Zion “Bentzi” Gopstein: Founder and leader of Lehava, a right-wing group known for its opposition to Jewish assimilation with non-Jews.
  • Elisha Yered: An individual who has justified the killing of Palestinians on religious grounds.
  • Shalom Zicherman: Accused by the U.S. State Department earlier this year of assaulting Israeli activists and their vehicles in the West Bank.

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The sanctions prohibit any dealings with these individuals and render them inadmissible to Canada. This follows similar measures taken by the United States and Britain, emphasizing a coordinated international effort to address the violence.

The entities sanctioned include various settler organizations known for their involvement in extremist activities. These punitive measures are designed to curtail the financial and operational capacities of these groups, further isolating them from international support.

Reaction and Criticism

The sanctions have been met with sharp criticism from some Israeli figures. Israel Gantz, head of the Binyamin Regional Council and chairman of the Yesha Council, condemned Canada’s decision as “scandalous,” claiming it supports terrorism and Hamas. Gantz argued that such measures encourage terrorists and anarchists to continue their attacks on Jewish communities throughout Judea, Samaria, and Israel.

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“Those who impose immoral and illegal sanctions against Jewish entities fully share Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s vision and create an existential threat to the State of Israel,” Gantz said. He urged the Israeli government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to respond decisively to Canada’s actions.

Israeli Settlers and West Bank Violence

The violence in the West Bank has been at a more than 15-year high in 2023, with tensions further exacerbated by the conflict in Gaza following the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas. The West Bank has seen a surge in violent incidents, with extremist settler groups often at the forefront of clashes with Palestinian communities.

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The sanctions aim to address this surge in violence by holding accountable those directly involved in or supporting such acts. By targeting individuals and organizations, Canada hopes to reduce the intensity of these violent confrontations and promote a more peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict.

International Implications

Canada’s actions are part of a broader international effort to address the violence and instability in the West Bank. By aligning its sanctions with those of the United States and Britain, Canada is contributing to a unified stance against extremist activities. This coordinated approach is essential in applying pressure on the involved parties to seek peaceful solutions and uphold international law.

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Foreign Minister Melanie Joly emphasized the importance of these measures, stating, “These sanctions are a clear message that Canada condemns the violence and will take necessary steps to ensure accountability. Our goal is to support a peaceful resolution and protect the lives of all civilians affected by this conflict.”

Canada’s recent sanctions on Israeli settlers involved in West Bank violence underscore the international community’s growing concern over the escalating tensions in the region. By targeting key individuals and entities, Canada aims to curtail the influence of extremist groups and promote a pathway towards lasting peace. This move, while controversial, highlights the need for strong, decisive action in addressing the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the broader implications for regional stability.

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