Anna Delvey: The Unfolding Tale of Swindles, Cons and Infamy to New Endeavors

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Mayur Joshi
Mayur Joshi
Mayur Joshi is a prominent forensic accounting evangelist based in Pune, India. As a contributing editor to Regtechtimes, he is recognized for his insightful reporting and analysis on financial crimes, particularly in the realms of espionage and sanctions. Mayur's expertise extends globally, with a notable focus on the sanctions imposed by OFAC, as well as those from the US, UK, and Australia. He has authored seven books on financial crimes and compliance, solidifying his reputation as a thought leader in the industry. One of his significant contributions is designing India's first certification program in Anti-Money Laundering, highlighting his commitment to enhancing AML practices. His book on global sanctions further underscores his deep knowledge and influence in the field of regtech.

Anna Delvey, born Anna Sorokin in a Moscow suburb in 1991, became infamous for posing as a wealthy socialite in New York City. After moving to Germany with her family in 2007 and later to Paris, she adopted the persona of Anna Delvey. In 2014, she took this fake identity to New York, living a lavish lifestyle by deceiving hotels, banks, and the city’s elite.

The Rise and Fall of Anna Delvey

Delvey’s con came crashing down on October 3, 2017, when she was arrested in a sting operation by the Los Angeles Police Department, planned by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office. This arrest was partially due to Rachel DeLoache Williams, who claimed Delvey swindled her out of more than $60,000 during a trip to Marrakesh. Delvey was transferred to Rikers Island and, after a trial, convicted in April 2019 of multiple charges, including grand larceny and theft of services. She was sentenced to four to 12 years in prison, fined $24,000, and ordered to pay restitution.

Life After Prison

Delvey was released from prison on good behavior on February 11, 2021, but was soon taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for overstaying her visa. She remained in ICE custody for a year before being released in October 2022 on $10,000 bail, under the conditions of 24-hour home confinement and no social media use.

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New Ventures Under House Arrest

Despite her confinement, Delvey remains busy. She signed a deal with Bunim-Murray Productions for a documentary series about her life post-prison. She also launched a podcast, The Anna Delvey Show, where she discusses various topics with experts from different fields. The podcast aims to reshape her image, moving away from the “scammer” label.

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Music and Art

In July 2023, Delvey released her debut single, “What the Hell?” with TikTok star Brooke Butler. The song serves as the theme for her podcast. Additionally, Delvey ventured into the art world, hosting exhibitions featuring her drawings. Her first solo show, “Allegedly,” displayed 20 drawings created while she was in ICE detention. Delvey also announced her involvement in NFTs, offering exclusive access to her fans through these digital assets.

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Fashion and Media

Delvey has not shied away from the spotlight. She hosted Shao Yang’s first runway show at her East Village apartment and continues to use her public appearances as fashion statements. She’s often photographed wearing high-end brands like Shao Yang, Michael Kors, and Yves Saint Laurent.

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Delvey’s Dinner Club

In January 2023, Delvey started a reality show, Delvey’s Dinner Club, where she hosts intimate dinners at her apartment. Guests include actors, musicians, and socialites, discussing various topics, including Delvey’s criminal justice experiences and future plans.

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Moving Forward

Anna Delvey’s story is far from over. Despite her past, she is determined to reinvent herself. She continues to create content, engage in new projects, and maintain her presence in the media. While under house arrest, Delvey’s journey from a notorious con artist to a multifaceted public figure is an ongoing narrative, captivating the public’s attention and curiosity.

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Anna Delvey, the woman once known for her grand deceptions, is now carving out a new identity. From podcasting and music to art and fashion, she is exploring various avenues to rebuild her life and reshape her public image. As she navigates her future under house arrest, one thing remains clear: Anna Delvey’s story continues to fascinate and unfold in unexpected ways.

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