On January 3, 2025, the Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Hyderabad Zonal Office, conducted search operations under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002, targeting a individual, Sandeep Desai, operating in Hyderabad. These searches, carried out at the conman’s residential premises, resulted in the seizure of multiple SIM cards and mobile phones. Desai had been using these devices to extort money from individuals involved in ongoing investigations by the ED. The operation is part of a broader investigation into financial crimes, including money laundering and extortion schemes.
Previously, on December 19, 2024, the ED Hyderabad Zonal Office had conducted search operations at two separate locations in Hyderabad related to companies M/s CSK Realtors Ltd. and M/s Singh Mansions Pvt. Ltd. Following these actions, Sandeep Desai allegedly contacted Shri Suresh Kumar Agarwal, the Managing Director of M/s CSK Realtors, attempting to extort a significant sum of money by impersonating senior ED officers. Desai used three different mobile numbers to communicate with Agarwal through WhatsApp, falsely claiming to be an ED officer. He manipulated Agarwal by suggesting that he could help with the ongoing PMLA investigation against CSK Realtors, leveraging a supposed personal connection to senior ED officials.
Desai’s deceptive tactics included setting up a meeting with Agarwal at a five-star hotel in Hyderabad, where he introduced himself as ‘Rakesh,’ portraying himself as a cousin or close friend of an ED officer. During this meeting, Desai pressured Agarwal into handing over a large sum of money in exchange for assistance in the investigation. Recognizing the extortion attempt, the ED advised Agarwal to file a formal written complaint, which he did. In response, the ED swiftly acted to investigate the matter, using surveillance and CCTV footage to identify and locate Desai.
As a result of these efforts, a search operation was executed at Desai’s residence, leading to the recovery of the mobile phones and SIM cards used in his fraudulent activities. Desai admitted during his interrogation that he had attempted to extort money from Agarwal by falsely associating himself with the ED. The ED has provided a ‘Note on Conman’ on its official website for public awareness and further information. The investigation is ongoing, with additional steps being taken to uncover the full extent of Desai’s criminal activities.