Elon Musk Faces Insider Trading Allegations Over $7.5 Billion Tesla Stock Sale

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Ruta Kulkarni
Ruta Kulkarni
Ruta Kulkarni is the senior journalist at Regtechtimes and covers the global desk. She specialise in the Department of Justice, SEC and EU Actions.

Tesla shareholder, Michael Perry filed a lawsuit in Delaware Chancery Court, accusing Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, of insider trading allegations. The lawsuit claims that Musk sold more than $7.5 billion worth of Tesla shares in late 2022, before potentially disappointing production and delivery numbers were released. Perry asserts that Musk exploited his privileged position within the company, gaining approximately $3 billion in improper profits.

Insider Trading Allegations

The lawsuit states that Musk sold the shares on multiple dates in November and December 2022. Perry contends that Musk, who had previously assured investors of “excellent” demand for Tesla vehicles, became aware of the lower-than-expected production and delivery numbers by mid-November. With access to real-time data, Musk allegedly sold his shares before this adverse information became public, leading to insider trading allegations.

When Tesla disclosed the fourth-quarter numbers on January 2, 2023, the company’s share price dropped significantly. The lawsuit points out that news of vehicle price discounts had already sparked concerns about demand, further contributing to the stock’s decline. Perry’s complaint argues that if Musk had waited to sell his shares until after the negative news was released, he would have earned less than 55% of what he actually realized from his November and December sales. These insider trading allegations are central to the lawsuit.

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

In addition to the insider trading allegations against Musk, the lawsuit also accuses Tesla’s directors of breaching their fiduciary duty by permitting Musk to sell his shares. Perry argues that Musk’s actions were a clear exploitation of his role at Tesla, thereby violating his fiduciary responsibilities to the company and its shareholders. The lawsuit demands that the court order Musk to return the profits made from these trades, emphasizing the insider trading allegations.

Tesla’s Response and Legal Context

As of now, Musk and Tesla have not responded to Reuters’ request for comment regarding the insider trading allegations in the lawsuit. This legal challenge adds to a growing list of Musk’s legal troubles. On June 13, Tesla shareholders are scheduled to vote on whether to ratify Musk’s $56 billion pay package, a matter currently under scrutiny. A Delaware judge voided the pay package in January, citing concerns that Musk improperly influenced the approval process, reflecting broader concerns tied to insider trading allegations.

Regulatory Scrutiny

Musk is also under investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for potential federal securities law violations related to his acquisition of Twitter stock in 2022. Musk later rebranded Twitter as X. He has publicly accused the SEC of attempting to “harass” him through unwarranted investigations. This feud between Musk and the SEC dates back to 2018, when he controversially tweeted about securing funding to take Tesla private, leading to significant regulatory scrutiny and contributing to the current insider trading allegations.

Broader Implications

The current lawsuit is not the only legal challenge Musk faces. Another shareholder lawsuit accuses him of defrauding X investors by delaying the disclosure of his stake in the social media company, allowing him to purchase shares at lower prices. These legal entanglements highlight the ongoing controversies surrounding Musk’s business practices and his interactions with regulatory authorities, including the insider trading allegations.

Legal and Corporate Governance Concerns

The allegations of insider trading and breaches of fiduciary duty are severe accusations that could have significant repercussions for Tesla and its shareholders. Insider trading undermines market integrity and investor confidence, while breaches of fiduciary duty raise serious concerns about corporate governance. If the court finds Musk guilty of the insider trading allegations, it could lead to substantial financial penalties and stricter oversight of Tesla’s internal practices.

Moreover, these legal challenges come at a crucial time for Tesla, as the company navigates the competitive electric vehicle market and strives to meet its ambitious production goals. The outcome of this lawsuit could impact Tesla’s stock price and its reputation among investors, potentially affecting its market position and future growth, all influenced by the insider trading allegations.

Shareholder Activism and Corporate Accountability

This lawsuit also underscores the role of shareholder activism in holding corporate executives accountable. Shareholders like Perry play a vital role in ensuring that company leaders act in the best interests of the company and its investors. By filing this lawsuit, Perry is advocating for greater transparency and accountability within Tesla, setting a precedent for other companies facing similar issues, particularly those involving insider trading allegations.


Michael Perry’s lawsuit against Elon Musk underscores the intense scrutiny and legal challenges Musk faces as Tesla’s CEO, with significant implications for his leadership and future business endeavors. This case serves as a critical test of corporate governance and regulatory oversight in one of the world’s leading electric vehicle manufacturers. Reflecting the increasing importance of ethical leadership and accountability in the corporate world, this lawsuit highlights the necessity for companies like Tesla to ensure their leaders adhere to high standards of conduct to sustain investor trust and long-term success, especially in light of the insider trading allegations.

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