On 3rd and 4th March 2023, the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) conducted a search operation in relation to Sunil Bhardwaj and others at a total of 12 premises. These included Sunil Bhardwaj’s residence in Greater Noida, Dorjee Phuntso Khrime’s residence in Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh), M/s Kala AMB Distillery and Brewery Pvt. Ltd. in Solan (Himachal Pradesh), as well as associated entities/persons’ premises in Gurugram, Panipat (Haryana), Rohini (Delhi), Noida (UP), and the residence of Video Rai (known for criminal activities and liquor supplies) and his son Pintu Kumar in Samastipur (Bihar). Furthermore, in a separate ECIR No. PTZO/11/2022, the ED attached seven properties worth Rs. 3.51 crore that belonged to Video Rai. This provisional attachment order No. 08/2022 was dated 2nd September 2022 and has been confirmed by AA through an order dated 14th February 2023.
Sunil Bhardwaj @ Sunil Sharma @ Sunil Kumar owns and operates Kala AMB Distillery and Brewery Pvt. Ltd. In Solan, Himachal Pradesh, and through which he operates a liquor syndicate throughout the states of Himachal, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal, and Jharkhand, among others, in collusion with other accomplices, including Dorjee Phuntso Khrime, an Arunachal Pradesh native.
By recording an ECIR, the ED began an investigation against Sunil Kumar & Ors under the PMLA, 2002, pertaining to the illegal importation of alcohol into the state of Bihar. They discovered that Sunil Kumar and Dorjee Phuntso Khrime had set up a web of entities to run this syndicate and to open a number of bank accounts to receive money from the buyers of alcohol from other states in the form of cash deposits, account transfers, NEFT, etc.
Incriminating papers were discovered and confiscated during the search, including 32 original sale deeds of properties purchased by Video Rai in his name and the names of his family members, as well as Sunil Kumar’s interest in a number of properties in the NCR and Dubai. It has been determined that cash deposits made in a number of Bihar banks amount to the receipt of criminal profits totalling around Rs. 8 crores into the bank accounts of the organisations connected to Sunil Kumar. Other incriminating tangible and digital items discovered during the search have also been confiscated for additional investigation.