In the Teachers Recruitment Scam of West Bengal, the Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has filed a Supplementary Prosecution Complaint against Sujay Krishna Bhadra and 2 companies related to him before the Hon’ble Special Court (PMLA), Calcutta, on July 28, 2023. The fourth supplemental prosecution complaint in the case is this one. The most recent prosecution complaint, which was submitted on July 28, 2023, has been taken into consideration by the honourable special court.
Three Provisional Attachment Orders dated 18.09.2022, 06.12.2022 and 13.07.2023 have also been issued in the case by ED. As of now, 126.70 crore rupees have been seized and attached in relation to the case.
The West Bengal Board of Primary Education’s ex-president, Partha Chatterjee, MLA and the state’s former education minister, Ms Arpita Mukherjee, Manik Bhattacharya, MLA, TMC, Kuntal Ghosh, Santanu Banerjee, Ayan Sil, and Sujay Krishna Bhadra are the other six people the ED has so far apprehended who were involved in the teachers recruitment scam. The Hon’ble Special Court (PMLA), Calcutta ordered Souvik Bhattacharya and Smt. Satarupa Bhattacharya to Judicial Custody upon their appearance before the court following the filing of the Prosecution Complaint against them. Additional investigation is being conducted.