The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) conducted search operations in Karur (Tamil Nadu) in connection with the ‘Cash for Jobs Scam’ involving the Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporations. V Senthil Balaji, the major accused and former transport minister, was previously detained on 14.06.2023 for his role in money laundering.
The ED launched an inquiry based on three FIRs lodged and chargesheets submitted by the Central Crime Branch (CCB), Chennai, in the ‘Cash for Jobs Scam’, which named V Senthil Balaji as the primary offender. V Senthil Balaji, together with his brother RV Ashok Kumar and Personal Assistants B Shanmugam and M Karthikeyan, provided work in exchange for cash. As a result, worthy people were passed over for positions.
During the investigation, it was discovered that Smt. P Lakshmi (Mother-in-Law of Shri. RV Ashok Balaji) purchased a substantial parcel of land measuring 2.49 Acres located at Salem Bypass Road, Andankovil, Karur from Smt. Anuradha Ramesh for a mere Rs. 10 lakhs, despite the land’s true value being more than 30 Crore. However, when Smt. P Lakshmi’s income was investigated, and it was discovered that she lacked any reliable source of income.
Her claim that she sold old jewels to get Rs. 10 lakhs for the land purchase was found false. This tract of property was afterwards given to her daughter Smt. Nirmala, wife of Ashok Kumar, Senthil Balaji’s brother. Further inquiry revealed that the remaining payment for land acquisition was paid in cash to Smt. Anuradha Ramesh. This money was then used by Smt. Anuradha Ramesh to buy another piece of land in the same area.
Given these developments, the property has been put under a freeze order under Section 17(1-A) of the PMLA, 2002. Despite receiving several summonses, Shri. RV Ashok Balaji, Smt. Nirmala, and Smt. P Lakshmi has failed to appear in person, exhibiting a lack of cooperation with the continuing inquiry.