The Directorate of Enforcement (ED), Dehradun has temporarily attached land and a building worth Rs. 5.62 crores that belong to the Seth Bimal Prasad Jain Educational Trust, which oversees the Phonics Group of Institutions, Roorkee. The property is located in District Haridwar, Uttrakhand.
The inquiry was started by ED under PMLA based on the FIR submitted by the Haridwar Police in Uttarakhand under numerous IPC sections. Investigations showed that for the academic years 2011–12 to 2014–2015, the Phonics Group of Institutions in Roorkee had gotten a sizable quantity of scholarships from the Social Welfare Department in Haridwar unlawfully.
The Phonics Group of Institutions, Roorkee, run by Seth Bimal Prasad Jain Educational Trust, was found to have submitted fictitious applications for scholarships under the SC/ST Scholarship Scheme, which its trustees syphoned off, causing a sizable financial loss to the public coffers with an unauthorised profit to themselves.
After being utilised for the trust’s costs, the unlawfully obtained funds were then withheld in cash, according to a PMLA probe. They were moved to the college’s or Seth Bimal Prasad Jain Educational Trust’s bank accounts.
Property worth Rs. 1.45 crore in the form of the land was previously attached in this case of the SC/ST Scholarship Scam to the Wali Gramme Udhyog Vikas Sansthan, Roorkee, which operates the Techword Wali Gramme Udhyog Vikas Sansthan, Group of Institutions, Roorkee. As of the time of this writing, this lawsuit has a value of 7.07 billion rupees. The investigation is being deepened.