Santanu Banerjee has been detained by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the West Bengal Teacher Recruitment Scam. On March 11, 2023, Santanu Banerjee appeared before the Hon’ble Special Court (PMLA), Kolkata, who remanded him to custody until 24 March 2023.
The TET is a mandatory test that needs to be cleared by candidates aspiring to become teachers in government schools. The scam involved the manipulation of the TET results by changing the answer sheets of candidates who had failed the test, thereby enabling them to clear it. The scamsters charged hefty sums of money from the candidates in exchange for manipulating their results.
The ED conducted raids at multiple locations in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh, and seized several incriminating documents, electronic devices, and cash. The ED has also identified several bank accounts that were being used to channel the proceeds of the scam. The ED has frozen these accounts and is in the process of investigating the transactions.
The TET scam is a severe blow to the education system in the country, and it highlights the urgent need for reforms in the recruitment process for teachers. The recruitment process needs to be made more transparent, and strict penalties need to be imposed on those found guilty of manipulating it.
The government needs to take swift action to bring the culprits to justice and ensure that such scams do not recur in the future. The ED’s actions, in this case, are commendable, and it is hoped that the investigation will be conducted impartially, and those found guilty will be punished severely.
In conclusion, the TET scam is a reminder of the need for greater accountability and transparency in the education sector. It is essential to root out corruption in the recruitment process and ensure that only the most deserving candidates are selected for teaching positions. The government, along with law enforcement agencies, needs to take proactive measures to prevent such scams and ensure that justice is done.